What did you run DN3D on, back in the day?

Home Forums Previous Months 14 – March 2018: Duke Nukem 3D What did you run DN3D on, back in the day?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by rnlf.
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  • butterburp

    Obviously with Dosbox and any reasonably modern CPU, you can run Duke Nukem 3D at optimal speed with no problem. But I’m curious to see what computers people used back in the days when the game was new, and the almighty Pentium was still king. How well (or not well) did it run on your machine?

    Of course I’m assuming that some folks here were actually born back then, haha.


    I was born back then but didn’t have a computer :-p

    Today I’m running it on a Pentium MMX at 233MHz. That CPU is a year newer than the game, not unreasonable that people would have run it like that back in the day.

    It runs smooth as silk at 640×480, full screen size (or actually the third highest screen size, the one where you can see your ammo all the time) with best audio mixing quality, too.

    I played it for a few minutes on my 486DX2 at 80MHz and in 320×240 I already need to reduce the screen size to about half way before it starts running really playable.


    I was 13 years old when this game came out and despite the game’s “adult content” warnings, me and my friends were very much into it, haha.

    I didn’t have my own computer until years later, but my uncle ran a computer store and my dad was also a bit into gaming, so the family computer was pretty decent in those days. I’m not 100% sure when we got what though. What I do know is that in 1995 we had a 486 still. It was a fast one, running at 100 MHz, with 16 MB RAM. So we didn’t feel it was needed to upgrade to a Pentium when they first started to appear.

    At one point we did replace it with a Pentium 120 and 32 MB of RAM. Maybe that was in 1996? If so, then that’s the machine I played Duke Nukem 3D on. But maybe I also still played it on the 486.

    Later we upgraded the Pentium 120 to a Pentium 150 MMX using once of those “Overdrive” upgrade kits, along with a 3Dfx Voodoo card. I think that was in 1997. I probably still played Duke from time to time on that machine.

    We kept 2 machines for a while, connected through a serial cable. I know I played multiplayer Duke Nukem in that setup as well. I think one of the machines was the old 486 and the other one was the more modern machine. I think Duke 3D didn’t run at full resolution on that 486, but it was still quite playable. I think the Pentium could play it at 800×600 even.


    Don’t ban me but the first version I owned was the N64 port. Then the Saturn port. Nowadays the Megaton Edition on Steam.


    Haha “don’t ban me” 😀


    First he has the guts to talk about the Amiga version of a game on a DOS related podcast and now this!

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Home Forums Previous Months 14 – March 2018: Duke Nukem 3D What did you run DN3D on, back in the day?