Which do you prefer: Jazz 1 or Jazz 2?

Home Forums Previous Months 83 – August 2023: Jazz Jackrabbit Which do you prefer: Jazz 1 or Jazz 2?

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  • jefklak

    For those who played the successor on Windows (I guess we don’t get to play this with the club, huh): which one do you prefer, now that we’re looking back to the original one on DOS?

    I have to admit that although as a kid Jazz 1 blew me away, and its music/soundtrack and graphics still do, I prefer actually playing Jazz 2 because of the resolution. Not because I dislike pixels, but because I stand a chance and can see (a tiny bit) more what enemies lie ahead!

    I also have fond memories of playing Jazz 2 together with my sister. Jazz’ sidekick is cool!

    Which one do you prefer? How do you compare both?
    (Jazz 2’s soundtrack is also cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gukGFjRqXbg&list=PL7YuVu11Ud-IH5PjEXEZ-n586MUuARR_S&index=7)


    Same as you say – the extra resolution and visibility of Jazz2 makes it a more reasonable game to play, as you feel more in control of things.

    And yet somehow, with all the sprites and everything being so small, I cannot help but feeling “detached” from everything. So I actually ended up playing it less than Jazz1.


    The second game seemed more streamlined, but it always seemed to me as if the first had more levels and variety, so that made me sort of prefer it in a way even though I liked the introduction of Spazz. It’s been years since I played the second game, but I assume its gameplay feels better than that of the first.


    There is a little extra depth in Jazz2 in the way that Jazz, Spaz (and later, Lori) each play a little different from the rest. I think there are even some areas that only one of the characters can reach, and alternate routes.


    I tend to prefer Jazz 2 overall, but there’s a certain je ne sais quoi that didn’t carry over from the first game.

    Despite that, it has much more varied enemies with much stronger animation, the wacky and slightly unsettling artstyle is still brilliant, and the music is out of this world. I think perhaps the levels feel a bit unnatural at times, and it’s painfully obvious they’ve used tilesets. But as a general experience, Jazz 2 wins out for me.

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Home Forums Previous Months 83 – August 2023: Jazz Jackrabbit Which do you prefer: Jazz 1 or Jazz 2?