Who wants to be part of this?

If you’re interested in joining one of the episodes, let us know here. Preferably also post some area of hardware or software tech (related to DOS gaming) you’re interested in joining. Ideally, you are already (somewhat) knowledgeable about the topic, but I guess having one extra who can ask clever questions is cool, too.
You know I’m interested! I’m sure I could think of something to say about any topic, but I guess I’m most interested in the early 90s 386 period. I also know a little bit about the early graphics adapters (MDA, CGA, EGA, Hercules), and sound blaster cards.

For my part, I’ve been using and building PC’s since the 80’s so I know a fair amount from a user standpoint of getting things working but not necessarily the technical details underlying the hardware. I know my way around graphics standards, soundcards, etc.
Looking at your list of topics, I don’t know too much about connectivity/multiplayer. All I ever set up in DOS days was a null modem connection. I won’t be the most knowledgeable about emulation either since I practically stopped using it about a decade back. Anything else, I’d probably be OK on.
If it’s not too late I could share some experiences from throughout the 90s. Including a bit of modding in DOS.
I hope this is still on the plans, i would have to say a lot about this, DOS hardware is my jig.
If i had to choose one area of “expertise” i have really a lot to say would be Sound / Soundcards during the DOS days.
This is a very interesting “spin-off” kind of thing that i hope y’all haven’t given up on.
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