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  • JorgeYYZ
    in reply to: Earthworm Jim 1+2 #8876

    The original poster (dr_st) mentioned something about the physics being different between the DOS and Windows versions. Can anybody (including the OP, of course) elaborate? I have never heard of such a thing before.

    I played a lot of EWJ1 on the Sega Genesis. I eventually got stuck in one of those bungee jump versus battle levels. I don’t know how far I had gone, but I remember the Junkyard, Hell, an Underwater base (that had a glass submarine thing), racing a space chicken, and the gooey bungee jumping fights. Reading the above sentence really says a lot about Shiny Entertainment and how interesting their choices for themes and levels are.

    I have never actually played any versions of EWJ2, but really loved MDK back in the day. The sense of humor in that game was very appealing to teenage me.

    in reply to: DOS Games Convention #8855

    I love the idea and I would totally attend one if I lived in the same country as the conference. Here in Brazil we have plenty of anime and gaming conventions. These usually cover a bit of retro console gaming.

    However, when it comes to retrocomputing, especially MS-DOS, I would dare to say that I have never seen such a thing around my little corner of the woods.
    I do enjoy watching LGR going to VCF, reading about it online, and so on. Those kinds of conventions are right up my alley and I dream that someday I will be able to attend one, talk to people about this hobby, and buy myself some big box PC games.

    in reply to: Hello from Brazil! #8849

    Thank you! Yes, of course! Geddy is the one that made me pick up a bass some 25 years ago. I’ve played in a few Rush cover bands around town when I was younger, and still play by myself today. I remember buying Rush’s Chronicles compilation and listening to it on my CD-ROM drive (which had that little Play button and a headset out) while playing Stunts. The band has been the soundtrack to so many moments in my life, both happy and sad.

    in reply to: Welcome a Nw Member #8841

    Hi Laura! And hi everyone! I’m also new here and just discovered that there is an “introduce yourself” thing.

    in reply to: Ascendancy #8840

    I remember this one especially because of the soundtrack! I think it still sounds great to this day since it sets the “space exploration” vibe. I also remember not understanding some things from the tech tree because I was a teen and English is not my first language, so I had to check a dictionary and an encyclopedia just to grasp some of the stuff on the screen.
    Also, the original poster mentioned an online manual. Maybe it is this one:

    in reply to: Skyroads #8839

    I played this one back in the day and then again after getting my hands on a Pentium 2 a couple of years ago. I found the game to be as addictive and as fun today as it was in the past. And it is also harder than I remember: the amount of precision in the jumps and speed management about halfway through the game really ramps things up. Also, the fact that levels (as far as I know) have no checkpoints has been putting some stages out of reach for me.
    And is it just me or X-Mas Skyroads is MUCH harder than the regular one?
    I would love to listen to the team talking about this game!

    in reply to: Who uses real hardware? #8835

    Hi everyone! This is my first post here after listening to dozens of episodes of the podcast. I’m writing from Brazil to share a picture of my Pentium 2 system.
    Unfortunately, I don’t have my PCs from back in the day. When I turned 40 a couple of years ago, I decided to give myself an old computer as a gift. So, I got a very good deal on a Pentium 2 and upgraded it with a Soundblaster 16 card and a new PSU since the old one was making weird noises. It is currently stored inside a closet since I’m going through a house renovation, but I plan to take it out once everything is done. I’ll be happy to update the specs and share more info once I plug it in again. There is also a WinXP machine, but I don’t have pictures of that one yet.
    Also, I am very happy to see the images and read some of the stories everyone has shared.

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