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  • Martli
    in reply to: Doom + Doom II ‘Definitive’ Edition #9474

    I’ve started playing this and I really like the new soundtrack (coming from someone who really likes the original soundtrack)

    in reply to: Novert (disables vertical mouse movement) #9418

    Novert is a must if playing the OG DOS version!

    And yeah, for John Romero it’s great because he’s left handed, he uses the mouse in his left hand and the arrow keys in his right.


    Nice! Good shout about the ‘3D’ graphics. That’s the sort of thing I probably took for granted back in the day. And yeah it’s definitely not the snappiest of titles, especially with an 8 character limit. I guess if your copy was pirated like mine was you probably wouldn’t have the box to refer to 🤣

    in reply to: Music/Tchaikovsky’s Swan lake #9401

    I will definitely have to check that out Pix!

    in reply to: Multiplayer #9396

    I was going to suggest Skulltag and realised it hasn’t been around since 2010… shows how long it’s been since I’ve played Multiplayer…

    in reply to: Fond memories #9394

    I played this for the first time last year and it blew me away. I had a great time and will have a great time again. The only difference is that this time I will be using a REAL MT-32 for sound.

    I also love that we’re following DOOM with LOOM.

    in reply to: Leisure Suite Larry #9304

    Haha what are the chances of actually doing Larry? As you can tell from my avatar I’d definitely be keen – it was one of the first games I ever played on a PC 😂. Surely it would be the first ever R18 episode of DCG (well maybe second after Duke Nukem?)

    in reply to: Ignition (1997) #9199

    This is on my to play list, so I’d be keen! Another one of those games I probably would have loved at the time but for whatever reason never made it onto my PC.

    There’s been a few of these Windows 95/DOS cross-overs before. I personally think it’s quite an interesting period in gaming, probably because I was about the right age for it.

    in reply to: Final(ish) thoughts #9147

    Didn’t get very far through, had big (but ultimately unrealistic) plans to try it out in different forms (pure DOS, GZDoom etc) but was a very busy month for me so didn’t get much gaming time. I did however finish episodes 1-3 about a year ago so here are my hazy thoughts.

    Overall I think it’s a cool game if you’ve thrashed DOOM and want something similar. Or alternatively are a bit of a DnD nerd and want a fantasy FPS. I personally like the fantasy setting and (basic) storyline and I REALLY like the music. For those of you that are metal heads some of the tunes remind me of Slayer from their “Show no mercy” days mixed with a bit more of a standard fantasy score. On the one hand I really like the introduction of the inventory, but on the other I feel like DOOM didn’t need it, so maybe heretic didn’t either? As others have said, Duke did it better, but it was still a nice addition.

    Level design was good, again I like the setting, particularly the cathedral-type stuff.

    Overall I personally like and enjoy this game. I’d recommend it to someone who is already into dos FPSs or likes fantasy, but for someone who is fresh then there’s no going past DOOM. And I guess that’s one of its major downsides is that it will forever live in DOOM’s shadow.

    in reply to: New Rendering Options? #9078

    Novert is a must! I’m playing E1 on a retro PC + CRT monitor but plan to try out a few modern renderers for E2 and 3 so thanks for the tips in this thread!

    in reply to: Some advice for BASS #9025

    I found the same on my AWE64. When I switched over to my Yamaha YMF719e-s (Soundblaster pro 2) the sound was fine, so maybe something to do with the 16-bit cards??

    in reply to: Who uses real hardware? #9023

    I updated my Pentium MMX rig here:

    Main additions:
    3Dfx voodoo
    AWE64 sound card
    YMF719e-s sound card
    Front bay for my CF card (allowing to easily swap OSs)
    New Gotek floppy emulator
    New peripherals including CRT monitor, beige speakers, and a rack mixer for all those sound cards

    Pics here:

    in reply to: Greetings from Coburg, Germany #9022

    Hey, great set up! I’ll have to give that TSR a go on my rig as I’m slumming it with OPL3 right now just so I can have the speech 😂

    in reply to: Who uses real hardware? #9005

    Nice one! I saw you post that build on Vogons, really unique and looks great 🙂

    in reply to: Cricket 97 #8978

    Yes! It just lags a little, good things take time 🙂

    in reply to: New Rendering Options? #8961

    Yup have played in GZDoom (on a Mac) and it works 😀

    in reply to: Looking forward to it #8960

    Me too. I’m a late adopter for this one. I was aware of it back in the day but never got around to playing it. I played it through late last year and I had a blast. Looking forward to playing it on my recently acquired CRT monitor!!

    in reply to: Cricket 97 #8954

    Thanks for the reviews, as always! Good too see I’m largely on board with what the magazines thought at the time, though it does seem a bit mixed.

    Also clears up a few things, looks like some of the team lists were updated with real names in the ashes edition, and my nz team disc and the commentary isn’t region specific but does have the odd Ian Botham interjection (which I haven’t heard yet).

    I’m currently in a three way tournament as New Zealand against England (and Wales) and South Africa. I managed to win the first match with an over to spare against England but I’m definitely a bit trigger happy with the running which is my downfall – lots of silly run outs! Will report back as the series progresses

    in reply to: But… maybe Hexen too? #8952

    I’m totally down to do HeXen in October 2025 to build on Heretic in October 2024. I reckon that would be cool and gives the opportunity for more in-depth episodes.

    in reply to: Hello from Brazil! #8850

    Hell yeah! I’m relatively new to rush (picked them up during the pandemic in 2020) but I first picked up a bass about the same time as you 😃. I have my Fender Jazz bass sitting next to my retro computers.

    Have you checked out Geddy’s recent book on the history of the bass? Great read.

    in reply to: Hello from Brazil! #8844

    Welcome! Are you a fellow Rush fan!?!

    in reply to: Simpsons games! #8829

    That’s a hard yes from me. Great idea.

    in reply to: Opinions #8826

    I finished the game a few nights ago. Overall I thought this game held up well in terms of graphics and sound. As others have noted, the software rendering is pretty good out of the box, I played the 3Dfx version and didn’t notice much difference but had to switch to software when I ran into an issue with my 3Dfx machine. For some reason the D3D version didn’t work well on my other machine (Kurt was just a white box?) but the point remains, software was good enough! And I think that is quite an achievement for a 3D game in 1997.

    Theme-wise this is really unique and out there (shiny being shiny). The items are a bit like items in other games of this era, some are useful, while others are clearly just dreamed up and included without much afterthought. To be honest I kinda like that aspect of it! It adds to the quirkiness..

    Gameplay was good once I got the controls to my liking (which took a while). The default controls weren’t great but it’s from a time when we were still figuring this stuff out. Probably the one thing I didn’t like was that the game it was somewhat formulaic and on guide rails. I never got stuck, which was nice, but also I didn’t get stuck, which was a little boring! The puzzles were self explanatory for the most part and the game was a nice way to relax in that sense.

    What I really liked were all the different bad guys and the inventiveness of the characters. I thought that was really cool and made up for some of the formulaic aspects.

    The major highlight for me was being able to save Kirkcaldy, Scotland from destruction! My granddad was from near there and I visited it not that long ago.

    On the other hand, the repetitiveness of battle was quite grating, especially without the super chain gun where it seems to take forever to kill bad guys.

    That being said, overall I really enjoyed this and am glad to have it under my belt.

    in reply to: List Of Games #8814

    Never forget 1 February 1981…

    in reply to: Control Thoughts, and How to Equip Mortar #8802

    Yeah I changed to WASD too and it’s totally manageable (if annoying during the dive stage). I initially had y axis mouse movement on so thanks for the tip to disable it! Will also put sniper ontonright mouse!

    I also tried a sidewinder gamepad which was a bit awkward without dual analog sticks which I’m used to for third person games.

    in reply to: Patches (3D support) #8793

    I’ll need to give these all a go, as they come with they all come with the gog release. I read the D3D version was marginally better than the 3Dfx version. I’m playing the 3Dfx version on a voodoo 3, but I also have a GeForce 4200ti I can try the D3D one on 😀 maybe a side by side comparison.

    in reply to: Magazine Reviews #8779

    Interesting, the articles mention not being able to save until the end of the level, but the gog version I’m playing lets you save any time. Was this feature added while the game was still contemporary, or is it just for the gog release?

    in reply to: So, what do we all think? #8708

    I had a good time playing it, but to be honest I stopped after about a week as it had sort of run its course for me. A fun game, but not enough depth to keep me hooked. Agree the music is good though!

    in reply to: Favorite racer character? #8665

    Played it with my 3 year old son and he is also a shark fan. I kinda wish they’d made it so that each character had a special ability, like if the shark was faster under the water or something.

    in reply to: Favorite racer character? #8656

    Always Yoshi, oh wait, wrong game. I kinda like the moose guy.

    in reply to: Final Thoughts #8647

    April was a rough month for me, but I managed to get most of the way to the end on the wits path. My game seems to have a bug where it freezes in combat though which is preventing me from finishing. I may need to try and load it in scummVM on a modern PC and try from there but just haven’t got around to it.

    Overall I liked the variety and the different paths available. The production quality was great (as you’d expect) and the storyline was engaging enough. The puzzles were challenging in parts but not to the point where they felt punishing. Gameplay wise, it’s your standard Luca darts game there.

    I did find the Atlantis segment quite a tough slog. Lots of back tracking and probably where I resorted to the hint book the most… but all in all very glad to have played this classic and hopefully I can get around to actually finishing it soon.


    Just for total clarity – the video is very much a parody, playing on the theme of what TigerQuoll said above 😂.

    I find that as a male in a cricket playing country it’s almost mandatory to have at least a basic understanding of the game and a few go to comments if you want to contribute to casual conversation, especially when games go on for 5 days and everyone in the office is following it on cricinfo. A few comments like “we really should have batted first, it’s a really dry wicket” will get you far in social standings 😂

    Oh and Tijn, the Dutch cricket team is ranked 14th in the world btw.

    in reply to: GOG Discount #8601

    Done! Thanks!

    in reply to: Wits, Fists or Team? #8526

    I had assumed I’d picked team without realising it after the initial sequence walking around with Sophia, but after a bit more playing the selection came up and I chose wits. I didn’t realise there were other ways into the theatre, so I assume I used the wits method for that too…

    in reply to: On sale now (GOG) #8506

    I just ripped the game files from the gog install and put it on my DOS PC. I’m playing it on a recently acquired CRT monitor with (emulated) MT-32 music. An absolutely fantastic way to experience it 😃. Maybe I’ll have to do a side-by-side comparison.

    in reply to: Wits, Fists or Team? #8501

    Ah, I didn’t even realise this was an option. I guess I’m doing Team.

    in reply to: Final Thoughts #8439

    I’ve just finished the 6th episode tonight. It probably took me about an hour per episode to complete, and I’m now tossing up whether to give spear of destiny a go or to just leave it there. I feel accomplished having beaten this legendary game, if a little exhausted.

    I don’t have strong nostalgia for this game as I was slightly too young for FPSs when it came out, and DOOM was better timed for my FPS coming-of-age. I did watch my older cousin play it though, so I was aware of it, as well as its links to DOOM (from the two DOOM II secret maps).

    The nostalgia for me was really around the fact that I didn’t have it as a kid, and that it had this taboo or forbidden quality to it. Do I dare play this game?! What if my mum found out?! I dabbled in it over the years, and I’m pretty sure I got as far as beating the shareware episode, but never much further than that.

    The hardest part for me in playing this game was trying to set aside my DOOM-bias and to consider it from as clean a slate as possible. I didn’t do a good job of that because going into it I was thinking “oh it’s just a series of confusing mazes without an automap” and “the controls are going to suck because you can’t circle strafe” and all the usual complaints about this game.

    But anyway, none of that was an issue and I loved (almost) every minute of it. Turns out it’s really fun to go around killing Nazis (not so much the poor dogs) and stealing their gold. The worst part about it was I kept getting the ‘theme song’ stuck in my head and whistling it out loud (it’s not a song you want to get caught whistling in public).

    My approach was to basically just focus on completing the level rather than maximising my score. That means taking out as many Nazis as I could, and reaching the end of the maze. I didn’t want to ‘wall hump’ myself into insanity trying to find every possible secret.

    The mazes are indeed confusing, and you get lost, and overwhelmed when you open a door to find a big open room with four more doors to explore. But you muddle your way through them, get the keys and move on. I think I only ever had to look at a map for one level (the only level where a key is hidden behind a secret).

    The controls do feel a little primitive, but they work and usually the spaces aren’t big enough where something like circle strafing will actually do you much benefit, so it’s fine. Just get used to pushing ALT every now and again.

    Some of the elements like ‘score’ and ‘lives’ are redundant, but they do add replay-ability to it (ie, playing with different rule-sets, or trying to get 100% across the board).

    The secrets are totally random, but boy is it satisfying when you hear the sound of those walls opening up.

    This ticked all the boxes for me. I got to play a game that was in my gaming ‘periphery’ but that I had never completed before, and at the same time get a greater appreciation for the later FPSs that were so fundamental to my gaming experience. That’s what DOS gaming is all about for me. If it hadn’t been game of the month I would have probably let my preconceptions get the better of me and left it sitting on my C: drive unplayed.

    Overall, this game is like listening to AC/DC – each level/song is basically the same, but it’s a damn good level/song so I’ll keep playing it.

    in reply to: Who uses real hardware? #8430

    I did a write up of my main DOS rig (a pentium MMX) on Vogons for anyone interested:

    I have two other Win98 rigs that I also do some DOS gaming on too (Pentium III with Voodoo3 and a Pentium 4).

    in reply to: What control scheme are you using? #8429

    Well I can definitely see a consensus forming here!

    The whole mouse/keyboard combo thing is interesting. Like you TigerQuoll I didn’t realise the ID shooters were intended for mouse/keyboard combinations until very recently. Everyone I knew back in the day played keyboard only. The hint guides Wesbat posted confirm that though, and I believe John Romero himself confirmed it via some tweets – apparently the arrow keys are because John is left-handed, so it’s sort of a reverse WASD:

    in reply to: First Impressions #8385

    I managed to squeeze in a ‘standard’ game of the deluxe edition before the month wrapped up. Result: a victory over ‘Ludendorff’ no less (he’ll say he was stabbed in the back, but don’t listen to him).

    Overall, my impressions are largely unchanged from my earlier post where I tried out a few ‘basic’ games. The standard game was a much better fit, and a bit more enjoyable and varied for that reason. The main thing is to just keep building ships, especially battleships in the late stage of the game.

    This probably isn’t one I’ll revisit, at least soon, but it was great to experience. To me, this game is quite ahead of its time. I can see its influence in games like civilisation (of which I’m a big fan of the 4th installment) and so I certainly owe a debt of gratitude to this enjoyable but time-consuming game. A game to pay homage to, but a game that has ultimately been superseded.

    in reply to: Earthworm Jim 1+2 #8371

    That would be cool, half the Shiny team went on to make one of my all time favourite games The Neverhood, a (windows) game made entirely in claymation and with characters very much resembling Earth Worm Jim.

    in reply to: The Need for Speed (1995) #8356

    Great to see its on the radar!

    in reply to: First Impressions #8345

    Agree with your summary, Wesbat. Cool game, but it just takes forever! I love a good 4X game though, so this just hits all my dopamine centres and I definitely got that familiar feeling of obsession that I get from these types of games.

    I had a quick go at ‘war-game of the century’ to get a feel for it, and have played through a couple of games on the ‘deluxe’ edition.

    My first impression was “wow, you mean I don’t have to worry about economy OR keeping my population happy, and I can focus ONLY on military production and strategy?!”. I thought this would make the game quite simple, but as the game progresses you end out having quite a lot to think about. I found I would easily lose track of units stationed inside my cities, and it was quite time intensive to take stock of them all without a summary window like in other 4X games.

    The long build times in particular require a fair bit of future planning. Control of the seas really counts here and ships take AGES to build, so you need to make sure you don’t neglect that otherwise you’ll just not be able to progress in the end game.

    Likewise, what appear to be basic manoeuvres/invasions can take a long time to execute, as you have to navigate production, transportation/concetration, and sometimes even your own traffic jams!

    I did not find the UI very intuitive to start with, particularly in WGOTC. I just wanted to click on everything I wanted to deal with then and there rather than work through the order of moves determined by the game. This resulted in a few bungled moves (thinking I was in survey screen). I definitely recommend skimming over the manual to understand the different screens and keyboard commands etc. Once you get the hang of that, then the rest of it is pretty self explanatory. The ‘W’ key (for wait) is very important so you can sequence your units moves right. Took me a while to figure that out…

    One frustration was also the combat variables/odds. I couldn’t tell if there was an obvious way to know if I’d win a conflict or not? I’d be keen to know if there is, other than a unit’s relative hit points etc. To me this just seemed a bit random and I wanted something that would indicate whether a battle is worth picking or not. More often than not though, I just threw caution to the wind (maybe that’s what they want you to do?).

    In deluxe I played a few ‘basic’ games. In these games planes aren’t available and you can see all the enemy’s moves and production. This is probably too basic, but a useful introduction. On my second game I was able to quite quickly isolate my enemy’s city and destroy their transports while I built up a big enough invasion force to take them out, so yeah, definitely too basic. I will have a crack at a ‘standard’ game soon which I imagine is similar to the standard WGOTC game.

    The music is… annoying… but helpful so I know what type of unit I’m moving I guess. But hey we’re not in it for the music right? This is all about guns and conquest.

    Overall, love it, just wish it didn’t take so long.

    in reply to: Original or ECWolf #8328

    Do we include the “spear of destiny” prequel in this too?

    in reply to: Super 3D Noah’s Ark #8327

    This would be a good subtopic for the eventual podcast: games based on the WOLF3D engine. I’ve got the two “Blake stone” games in my GOG library but haven’t played them – are they worth a go? Maybe March will be a good excuse to get them running.

    Then of course there’s Rise of the Triad which was already extensively covered in 2021.

    Wikipedia lists some others too: any of these worth a go?

    in reply to: Let’s play a cricket game! #8324

    A cricket game would be great, if only to confuse the hell out of those who aren’t from “the empire”. I didn’t realise cricket 97 was a DOS game, I had many fond memories playing this with my brother, serenaded by the timeless commentary of the one and only Richie Benaud. I have an “Ashes tour edition” on CD-ROM along with a “New Zealand team disc” which I think is just a patch for the main game, although this is the Windows 95 version of the game, so blasphemy in these parts 😉

    in reply to: How Far Did We Get in January? #8323

    This was my first time playing this game, and first time doing a DCG game of the month. I think I made it to about level 4 or 5 before deciding to move on. Apparently this means I didn’t even make it past the tutorial levels, perhaps I should have persevered for a better experience! In my defence, I did get a little side-tracked this month with the birth of my second son :-).

    I think the approach to combat (or lack thereof) is ultimately what put me off going deeper into this game.

    On the positive side, I really liked the dark vibe of this game, the gritty dungeons, the beastly creatures inhabiting a grim underbelly, the overtly lovey-dovey township names, the misanthropic narrator, and general doom and gloom. The game is really quite unique in this regard.

    The dungeon building was kinda fun (once I got the hang of how big to build each room), but started to feel somewhat formulaic after a while. I also liked the excitement of exploration, and trying to prioritise which rooms to build when and where.

    But I just couldn’t help feeling that when it came to combat it was all just a bit random. Each fight just felt like I was flailing about helplessly and ultimately succeeding, and that it was ultimately just a numbers game (number of creatures and training level).

    I think I will revisit this game eventually, but I’ll have to start from scratch as I accidentally lost my save game in an overzealous clearout of my DOS PC (also a pentium MMX, although I’m using a CF card so no defragging on that!).

    in reply to: Kia ora from New Zealand #8210

    Thanks for the warm welcome, mate. Definitely using the ol’ lap technique and the wife certainly appreciates it. Racing games are a hit, especially when I crash spectacularly in stunts, and I’ll definitely be going with Kings quest or space quest over Larry!

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