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  • OfManNotMachine
    in reply to: Greetings from Coburg, Germany #9026

    Love the set up!!

    in reply to: Hi / Hallo from NL #8981

    Hey man,

    I’m new here myself but wanted to say that’s awesome. I never knew Aldi sold computers at some point! That’s wild!

    I did a bunch of gaming as well on all those old versions of Windows! There was so many amazing games back then. It’s so wild to see how many of the same games captivated all of us back when we were younger, and how much staying power those old games have with all of us.

    Perhaps it’s just a generational thing, but I don’t think there are many games that come out today, that we will be talking about 30 years from now. I’m guessing that’s just a generational thing, but I think the games we grew up with, were so much more creative than most of what we see today

    in reply to: Cricket 97 #8979

    Awesome. I was worried since I didn’t see anything past April 2024 it might be done.

    I’ve been listening to them in order and absolutely loving it

    in reply to: Cricket 97 #8977

    Is the Podcast still around? I noticed there’s nothing past April of 2024

    in reply to: BASS Sequel #8976

    I enjoyed the sequel a ton. It really brought the story full circle I felt

    in reply to: Memories of BASS #8971

    My memories of this game are much more recent. I am a HUGE fan of the Broken Sword series, and wondered if Revolution Software made any other games besides the Broken Sword games, so when I saw Beneath A Steel Sky, I had to play it!

    Great story, excellent gameplay (for a point n click) I felt the ending was a tad sudden and abrupt, but the journey was what mattered.

    Then, I just had to play the recent sequel, Beyond A Steel Sky, and I personally enjoyed it greatly and felt it brought the story full circle.

    I look forward to the podcast discussing this great classic DOS game!

    in reply to: Who uses real hardware? #8969

    I wish!! I use Dos Box, I’d love to come across an old PC though.

    Back in the day I gamed on an NEC Power Player 2020. Absolutely loved that thing. I’d so love to use one of those again.

    in reply to: Hello from Pennsylvania, United States #8968

    Thank you Tiger!

    I just love video games in general. I love the industry, especially the history of the industry. Even more so today because I think the gains of today’s tech, don’t outweigh what’s been lost. Which is just that creative spark. Today’s industry just tries to churn out game after game and it just feels like a soulless machine and that really bugs me.

    Thankfully, between retro PC games, and all my retro consoles, I’m set for the rest of my life. I will happily just live in the past! To be able to discuss these classics with fellow gamers who share that passion is just icing on the cake!

    in reply to: Hello from Pennsylvania, United States #8966

    I’ll definitely offer some suggestions for sure!

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