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  • red.hexapus
    in reply to: Brutal Heretic #9006

    Yeah, they are more spongy than in the original. I recall seeing a comment from the creator of the mod, than he made then so, because he recommends playing with a sequential mod (all episodes combined together). I still dislike how long it takes to kill them.

    in reply to: But… maybe Hexen too? #8985

    I too feel that Hexen should be a separate episode, as in my opinion it is a completely different beast from Heretic.

    Personally, I don’t like the linear nature of Heretic (the game feels to me like a fantasy reskin of Doom). On the other hand you have Hexen with great atmosphere, three distinct classes, hub area and lots of puzzles. And that’s something I do like 🙂

    in reply to: Wits, Fists or Team? #8527

    Yeah, just as Pix wrote above, the first puzzle in the game nudges you towards a certain path, but the actual choice comes up only at the end of Act 1 (after finding the Lost Dialogue of Plato). It’s good to save at this point and reload later on, if one wants to experience all of the paths. The three paths converge back into one at the start of Act 3 (Atlantis), so this Act does not have to be replayed (which I consider to be the worst part of the game).

    in reply to: Best Way To Play? ScummVM, Steam, ExoDOS, OG hardware #8521

    Thanks for the version comparison video.

    On my side, I’ve played it in ScummVM using DOS CD version with “fakelottes” filter, and it worked just fine, no issues experienced.

    One additional thing that someone might find useful: I personally prefer to have dialogues both in Voice & Text mode instead of Voice Only, CTRL+T lets you change that.

    in reply to: Unofficial “Special Edition” #8509

    I’ve looked at the screenshots at the website, but I feel that the transition to high quality has lost a lot of a original pixel art charm of the game.

    I’ve felt the same for Monkey Island (Remastered Special Edition vs VGA).

    in reply to: Final Thoughts #8498

    It was nice to come back and replay WOLF3D during the past two weeks, since I haven’t played it since the mid-90s, and I only played the sharewere version (ep 1) back then.

    If I were to recommend it to someone new, who has not played the game before, I’d say to stick to the first 3 episodes and skip the Nocturnal missions (eps 4-6), which in my opinion were too difficult and definitely too labyrinthine.

    in reply to: What control scheme are you using? #8424

    Classic controls here. I’ve tried playing with a mouse, but the control feels awkward, so I’ve came back to keyboard only

    in reply to: Control Tips #7962

    A few additional tips that might be useful for someone willing to pick up the game

    1. As mentioned, the keys can be remapped via Dosbox (CTRL+F1), that’s what I did for my version of the game

    2. Left hand is for weapons, right hand is for items to be used in puzzles (BTW,I suggest pressing F3 when you start the game, this way the game will not solve puzzles for you automatically, and force you to think which item to be put in your hand)

    3. Very important keys are I (inventory) and U (use). Before I found this I had trouble figuring out how to use potions.

    4. Keys 2-6 are shortcuts for weapons, which depend on the position of the weapon in inventory (first five slots)

    5. I have this issue in my copy of the game where mouse cursor is stuck in the upper left corner of the game. If this happens to you, I’ve found pressing F6 a few times helps the mouse get unstuck.

    in reply to: Ross’s Game Dungeon #7951

    Great idea about reaching out to him, it would be nice to hear his thoughts on the game on the podcast 🙂

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