
We've done Prince of Persia, we've done The Last Express. So when The Making of Karateka was released in late 2023, we figured this was the perfect opportunity to have a look at Jordan Mechner's very first published game. Originally released in 1984 for the Apple II, the PC got a port of this game in 1986. So get ready for some CGA graphics, some PC beeper sounds and a game that runs way too fast at default Dosbox settings.
Joining Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") for this episode are DGC member DRS ("dr_st"), whose first time it is on the podcast, and Chris Kohler, editorial director at Digital Eclipse for The Making of Karateka. Chris picked up a lot of in-depth knowledge about this game while working on The Making Of, so we're very grateful for him to come on to our show and share his stories.
[ download mp3 ] (107 mins, 123 MB)
* The Making of Karateka by Digital Eclipse
* Karateka rotoscoping raw footage
* Prince of Persia rotoscoping raw footage
* Karateka upside-down easter egg
* More Jordan Mechner games on DOS Game Club: episode 20 (Prince of Persia) and episode 71 (The Last Express)
* Recent & in-depth interview with Jordan Mechner by Daniel Albu
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