Play Together: Simon the Sorcerer Part 2

Welcome back to part two of "Two elderly nerds trying to beat Simon the Sorcerer while recording a podcast".

We've made quite a bit of progress since the first episode. At the end of the last one we had just saved the druid who sent us on a quest to find frog bane, a herb that he needs to be able to keep his human form. I can tell you, we have not made any steps forward in that direction that we are aware of, but in this episode you will learn, among other things, how we become a wizard, save a speaking tree and make a woodcutter happy nonetheless.

[ download mp3 ] (72 mins, 58 MB)

06 Jun 2021 // 1 Comment >

Play Together: Simon the Sorcerer Part 1

For this month's game, Simon the Sorcerer, we are doing something new: since the game has a reputation of being overly hard, we decided that instead of grabbing a walkthrough, we're going to attempt to use our combined wisdom to beat the game.

So every couple days we're going to meet up and discuss the progress we made individually, get everyone up to speed and onto the same page, then play together for a while until we're in a situation where everyone can progress on their own again.

We're discussing this further on the forums:

Let's see how this will work out!

[ download mp3 ] (76 mins, 61 MB)

04 Jun 2021 // 3 Comments >

Lost Eden

Prince Adam of Mo, Eloy, Dina and yet more of their friends try to unite Dinosaurs and Humans in an attempt to save the world from the evil Morkus Rex, who, together with his army of Tyrannosaurs, threatens to kill them all.

Join us as we guide them towards victory and find out what the future holds for the Dinosaurs in Cryo Interactive's 1995 adventure game "Lost Eden".

Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") for this episode are Michael ("Moa3000"), Esko ("FireFyte") and John ("Shattered") with a voice messages by Björn ("TigerQuoll").

Special thanks to John for preparing an excellent audio quiz, which allowed us to explore the story of this game in-depth while sharing what these events sound like in-game!

[ download mp3 ] (152 mins, 122 MB)

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31 May 2021 // 2 Comments >

New Server!

So, we finally moved the site over to a new server. It seems like everything went smoothly, but please let us know if you experience any problems (mail to

The old server was a decade old virtual server with no sensible path to update the operating system, so we ran outdated versions of basically everything. What a mess, haha. It was also so resource limited that we had to rate limit all downloads. All this is over now!

Enjoy the new server.

06 May 2021 // 2 Comments >

Rise of the Triad

Join us as we side with the High-Risk United Nations Taskforce and try to rid the world of evil El Oscuro's cult who wants to destroy Los Angeles using their "transmitter" in Apogee's 1995 first person shooter "Rise of the Triad".

Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") for this episode are Björn ("TigerQuoll") and Rami ("JikissGamer"). Additionally we received voice messages from Gonzalo ("pushblock") who suggested this game, as well as from Esko ("FireFyte") and Rob ("Spoonboy").

We also draw the winner of the contest we started in March, where listeners were asked to leave a review of our podcast on a podcasting site or app. Listen to the episode to find out who won the boxed copy of SlipSpeed for DOS!

[ download mp3 ] (130 mins, 104 MB)

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