Day of the Tentacle

Well, you know what they say: "If you want to save the world, you gotta push a few old ladies down the stairs" - and that's exactly what we did!

Join us as we save the world from the evil Purple Tentacle in LucasArts' 1993 absolute masterpiece Day of the Tentacle. This is not a hidden gem at all: this game is considered by many to be one of the best point and click adventure games of all time.

Step one. Find plans. Step two. Save world. Step three. Listen to this podcast episode!

Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") for this episode are Oddvar ("dollarone"), Nick ("f2bnp") and Martin ("Srandista"). HP ("HPLoveGames), Mark ("rambutaan") and John ("Shattered") gave us their opinion on the game in some very cool voice messages.

[ download mp3 ] (182 mins, 146 MB)

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03 Apr 2021 // 2 Comments >

[April Fools’] Automated Episode: DOTT & MM

Well, turns out we weren't quite ready yet to deprecate you of our lovely voices. I guess we'll keep making podcasts the classic ("lame") way. Thanks for all the nice comments about this episode, it was a lot of fun to make 🙂

(this post has been automatically generated on April 1, 2021)

Hello. This is a new thing the creators of "DOS Game Club" are trying.
It turns out making a podcast episode each month is a lot of work.
In the past, Martijn (Tijn) and Florian (rnlf) have often failed to deliver their episodes on time. They acknowledge this is entirely their fault and decided to automatize the process in the future.
That is why they created us, Tijnbot and Autoflorian to do the podcasting for them in the future, using a contraption we call: the Cast-O-Matic!

They also realized, there is not actually anything new to say about any of the games they are discussing so they have tasked us with reading the Wikipedia page of the game to you instead. This way you get the information you already know in a timely fashion!

We really hope you enjoy this new format and are thrilled to present to you the first game of the Year of the Adventure Game: Day of the Tentacle by Lucas Arts (1993).

Obviously we cannot demand other participants create perfect recreations of their own personalities and voices, too, so we also change the format and drop the guests Florian and Martijn used to have.


[ download mp3 ] (29 mins, 23 MB)

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31 Mar 2021 // 5 Comments >

Interview with David Fox

To kick off the DOS Game Club "Year of the Adventure Game" with a bang, we have a special episode for you all: an interview with David Fox! We recently got the chance to talk to him about the early days of developing adventure games at Lucas, where he was one of the first people to be hired after they founded their games division in 1982.

David Fox was right there at the birth of the point & click adventure genre, working on such games as Labyrinth, Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken and Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade. We talked with him about all of these games, what it was like at Skywalker Ranch, working with famous people like George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Douglas Adams, and much more.

We also managed to ask him some of the questions that were submitted through the forums and Twitter. Thanks for those!

We had a great time talking to David and hope you will enjoy this special extra episode.

[ download mp3 ] (91 mins, 73 MB)

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15 Mar 2021 // 1 Comment >

SlipSpeed Boxed Copy Giveaway!

SlipSpeed in a box

We have a copy of SlipSpeed Deluxe Collectors Edition to give away!

Want to have a chance at winning it? All you have to do is leave a review of DOS Game Club somewhere and send us a link to it at We'll pick a winner randomly next month, so get cracking!

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Master of Magic

Who likes turn based strategy games? WE DO! But we think we're not alone in that.

Simtex' 1994 4X classic Master of Magic is seen by many as one of the hidden gems of the genre often compared to "Civilization with Magic", but does that hold up? Or is it actually more than that? We're discussing this and many more questions with a few veterans and a newcomer to the game.

Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") for this episode are Oddvar ("dollarone") and HP ("HPLoveGames"). FatherBeast has sent such an extensive voice message, that we consider him the fifth participant in this episode, haha.

Now let's get ready to cast a Wall of Darkness and conquer Arcanus and Myrran together!

[ download mp3 ] (126 mins, 101 MB)

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01 Mar 2021 // 2 Comments >
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.