One Must Fall: 2097

In 2097 the World Aeronautics & Robotics corporation (W.A.R.) is looking for a suitable representative to watch over Ganymede, the Jupiter moon that will soon be colonised. The Board at WAR has decided that the applicants for the position, being equally qualified, should fight for it. Now, the ten applicants must choose which Human-Assisted Robot (H.A.R.) will be their weapon and beat the others in a one-on-one competition.
This is how the manual of One Must Fall: 2097 describes the backstory of this iconic DOS robot fighting shareware game that is the subject of this month's podcast. It was developed by Diversions Entertainment and published by Epic Mega Games in 1994.
Joining hosts Martijn & Florian are two first-time guests: Ben, who only found us recently, and Biran, who has been a long-time listener. Both have spent tons of time on this game back in the day, so they can tell us all about what makes One Must Fall: 2097 such a cool title.
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< read full entry >Happy new year!
As 2022 is coming to a close, we wanted to thank you all for a great year for DOS Game Club, so we put together a little greetings card program that runs on MS-DOS for you to enjoy.
Happy new year!
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Shadow of the Comet

British photographer John T. Parker travels to the isolated New England town of Illsmouth in 1910, to take pictures of Halley's comet. During the previous passing 76 years before, Lord Boleskin had made some interesting discoveries, but he subsequently went insane. Parker has three days to finish Boleskin's research before the comet passes in the sky, and it quickly becomes clear the quiet town is not what it seems. A strange cult assembles at night in the forest, a mysterious lighthouse is kept closed off to strangers. What is going on here? Who can he trust?
This is the premise of Shadow of the Comet, a Lovecraftian horror/mystery game we played with the club this October. It was developed and released by French developer Infogrames in 1993, just one year after their previous Lovecraftian horror game Alone in the Dark. This title however is a more traditional 2D adventure game, that's not quite point & click.
We have two guests joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") to discuss this game. First there's Robin, an avid Lovecraft fan who used to write and make podcasts for the Swedish edition of PC Gamer, and now streams adventure games on Twitch under the name "RockyDennisTV". Also joining is returning DGC member Hannes, aka MrCreosote, who played both the floppy & CD-ROM editions of this game right when they came out and became an instant fan ever since.
We also got a voice message from Nick, which is very cool. If you also want to send a voice message and be part of the show, you can email them to
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< read full entry >SimAnt

Did you ever want to be in control of the entire hive mind of an ant colony? How about taking over the house of some jerk who doesn't even acknowledge your existence and runs you over with his stupid lawn mower? Still not enough? How about gruesome, explicit and very flowery descriptions of death?
In 1991, Maxis released "SimAnt", a genre defying and to this day unique gaming experience, packed with knowledge about ants. It's not an educational title and yet playing it, you somehow learn a lot about these little creatures.
Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") to discuss this game is DOS Game Club member Phil ("PixelProphecy").
How does the game hold up today? Is it even a game? Or a toy? A simulation? But most importantly, is it fun? Let's find out together.
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< read full entry >Eye of the Beholder

Evil creatures beneath Waterdeep? We can't have any of this. Time for our party of heroes to investigate. But what's that? Just as we enter the sewers, the corridor behind us collapses and we're trapped down here. Will we survive? Find our way out? Will we succeed in our quest to cleanse Waterdeep of whatever is really going on here?
This is the premise of Westwood's 1991 Dungeon Crawler "Eye of the Beholder". We haven't covered any Dungeon Crawlers on the show before, and after more than five years, it's finally time to delve into this iconic genre and see how they influenced our modern RPGs.
Joining hosts Martijn ("Tijn") and Florian ("rnlf") to discuss this game are veteran DOS Game Club members Richard ("Pix") and Björn ("TigerQuoll"). We also got a voice message from Peter ("pointer")!
So what's the game like? Does it hold up? Are four AD&D noobs even qualified to talk about it?
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