Quest for Glory

Hello DOS gamer,
There's a lot going on, so let's get right to it!
In episode of 8 of the DOS Game Club podcast, we return to our usual format of discussing a game in a roundtable setting. As we're running behind a bit, we still had to discuss Quest For Glory (from August!), so that's what we did.
We had no less than 6 people joining the conversation this time around, our biggest group yet! Apart from the usual hosts Martijn ("tijn") and Florian ("rnlf"), we had the pleasure to discuss the game with Philipp ("derphilipp"), Oddvar ("dollarone"), Michael ("toasty") and a new member joining the show: Richard ("pix")!
[ download mp3 ] (112 mins, 46 MB)
One last thing: at some point in the podcast we talked a little bit about speedrunning Quest for Glory. Here's a link to the RPG Limit Break 2016 run held in May for charity, featuring Paul Miller playing and Corey Cole himself doing commentary: Good stuff!
Now we're trying to get the podcast more in sync with the site, so we've already scheduled a date to sit down and discuss COMMANDER KEEN, which we played in September. That episode will follow shortly, so stay tuned.
After that, we'll move right onto the game we played in October: NITEMARE 3D, which we hope to publish as soon as we can manage. So there's a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks!
Now it's a new month and of course that means a new game. And what a game we have for you in November! It's none other than the amazing GRAND THEFT AUTO! I bet a lot of people don't realise this series started in fact as a DOS game. And while the later games might be famous for their 3rd perspective 3D open world, the first 2 games actually played as a top down racer. If you have something to say about GTA, please join the conversation over on our discussion forums!
We had a few options for December from various suggestions you guys submitted. Thanks for that!
To help us choose which game to pick, we ran a poll on Twitter. In 24 hours we received 45 votes and while it looked like it might be Master of Magic, in the end The Incredible Machine won with a very slight margin. So that's what we'll play next!
So, that's everything that's going on right now! If you want to be a part of our club, please register and talk on our forums. We're also on IRC over at Afternet, in channel #dosgameclub. If you're a Twitter person, our account over there is @dosgameclub.
See you later and happy gaming!
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